CINEMATICA Productions
Before Cinemassacre, there was Cinematica.
Below: Scenes from "The Head Incident" (1999) about a murderous dummy head floating around and a mysterious man in black controlling it and driving people to insanity.
The "Death Puppy" (2000) title screen was a spoof of the movie Halloween. Instead of a glowing jack-o-lantern face, it's a paw print.
"The dog would really attack... Sort of like a fun attack, in real life, but in the movie... she's messing you up... big time."
-words of the actor, Kirk Hart
Two shots from my first 16mm film. "A Night of Total Terror" (1999)
Two shots below from "The Mind that Makes the Matter" (2000)
in which a disturbed youth has to stand up to an evil wizard to regain his sanity.
There was a simple shot where the actor George had to run up a staircase, starting off-frame. There was some construction work being done around one of the corners where George found a pair of safety goggles and a bundle of wires which he used as a joke on me. When I called "action", looking through the viewfinder, I see George come running up into the frame with his sweater wrapped around his neck and forehead, wearing the goggles, and carrying the wire, but still acting straight with a serious expression. Rather than discarding it as an outtake, I left it in the finished movie because it was so funny.
Below: another spontaneous thing, a confrontation with an evil doll!
Below: Shots from a music video I made for Primus, using blacklights, puppets and other fun tricks. "Welcome to this World" (2000).